Tag: Workshop

  • Techniques To Keep Your Class Workshop Clean

    Techniques To Keep Your Class Workshop Clean

    THERE’S NOTHING MORE FRUSTRATING than walking into a workshop that isn’t clean… It’s a downhill slope. The workshop is dirty so students think they don’t have to clean, and all of a sudden equipment is getting misplaced, broken or simply doesn’t work properly anymore. And the worst bit is the time it takes. Every. Single. Day.…

  • Storage Space That You Didn’t Know You Had in the Workshop

    Storage Space That You Didn’t Know You Had in the Workshop

    ARE THINGS GETTING A little tight in the workshop space? Maybe you want to buy a new machine but have no where to put it. Here are a few ideas for you to make the most out of the space you have. NOTE: Storing class sets of tools can take up a lot of space. Here is…

  • How to Stop Stuff Going Missing in the Workshop

    How to Stop Stuff Going Missing in the Workshop

    NOBODY LIKES TO THINK about it, but stopping tools & equipment from going missing is a challenge for just about every Technology Teacher that I talk to. And there is no where worse than the Woodwork Workshop. The culprits generally come from 3 categories: Students Staff After Hours Staff (cleaners, other people using the room…

  • Effective Ways to Store Class Sets of Tools in the Workshop

    Effective Ways to Store Class Sets of Tools in the Workshop

    I HAVE FOUND it hard to find any resources on how to efficiently store class sets of tools. Generally what i find online is pictures of people storing tools in their own workshop/factory. Storing class sets tends to be a little different for a few reasons. Mainly there is a lot more that need to…